Rabu, 20 April 2016

If I Have a Chance to Be the Part of Tourism Business, I Would Be a Tour Guide.

If i have a chance to be the part of tourism business, i would be a Tour Guide. Tour Guide provides assistance, information and cultural, historical and contemporary heritage interpretation to people on organized tours and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest. (Wikipedia). Because i think being a Tour Guide will contribute to promote Indonesian Tourism Business, i can introduce to the tourists about Indonesian culture, nature, history, food, custom etc. All about Indonesia. So i will have contribution for Indonesian tourism business. And then i have to study about Indonesian culture, history, custom and all about Indonesian tourism business potency deeper, so it will make me love and proud of my own country more. Besides being a Tour Guide will make me have lot of connection around the world. I can interact with foreign tourists and exchange information with them and even make friends with them. So it will enrich my information and i will be able to access a lot of countries easier. The last, the bonus of being a Tour Guide is free travel. I can travel to a lot of tourism destination for free, and the best part is not only travel without charge, it is to travel and i will be paid. Thus my reasons why i choose being a Tour Guide if i have a chance to be the part of tourism business.

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